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THIS Simple 1-Second Finger Test Can Reveal Lung Cancer

A simple one-second finger test can predict the possibility of lung cancer.

According to Sanook, a medical expert, “This test is only used by medical professionals to confirm symptoms.” However, the test is gaining attention as the general public can perform it on themselves within a few seconds. The expert warned, “If you press your index fingernails against each other and there is no diamond-shaped gap between them, it could be a sign of lung cancer.”

This gap could indicate a potential health issue even if it doesn’t appear.

In such cases, experts recommend getting a medical examination as soon as possible. “This is merely a tool for predicting possibilities and cannot be used to diagnose 100% in place of a doctor,” they added. It is speculated that malignant tumors cause this phenomenon by accumulating fluid at the fingertips, but the exact reason is unknown.

The test is also known as the Schamroth window test and is said to appear in about 35% of lung cancer patients.

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