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Apple Watch Import Ban: White House Holds the Key to Sales Resumption

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EPA·Yonhap News

The U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) has rejected Apple’s request to delay the import ban on Apple Watches. The White House is now the only entity that can prevent the cessation of Apple Watch sales, CNBC reported on the 20th (local time).

During the appeal period, the ITC denied Apple’s request to continue selling the Apple Watch. This effectively halts sales of the Apple Watch during the busiest retail season of the year. Apple’s stock fell by about 1% on the day.

Apple recently announced that it would stop selling two Apple Watch models, the Apple Watch Series 9 and the Apple Watch Ultra 2, launched this year, from the 21st on its website to the 24th in Apple stores. Older models will continue to be sold as usual.

The halt in Apple Watch sales comes after the ITC ruled in October that the blood oxygen measurement technology in the Apple Watch infringed on a patent held by U.S. medical technology company Masimo.

President Joe Biden has the power to overrule the ITC’s ban. In 2013, President Obama exercised his veto power when the ITC ruled that Apple had infringed on Samsung’s patents and issued an import ban on products like the iPhone 4. This allowed Apple to continue selling those products in the United States.

On the same day, the White House clarified its stance regarding the recent halt in Apple Watch sales, distancing it from the Apple-Samsung dispute that occurred a decade ago. Spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre stated, “We will not compare the two disputes.” She further emphasized that the decision-making authority in this matter rests with the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR).

She further elaborated, explaining that President Biden has delegated full authority to USTR Representative Katherine Tai to manage this situation. Jean-Pierre emphasized that Representative Tai would determine the course of action and expressed her intention not to pre-empt this process. The USTR is anticipated to review the legitimacy of the ITC’s decision by the 25th.

Meanwhile, Joe Kiani, CEO of Masimo, criticized Apple for misleading his company by participating in acquisition negotiations and other activities before systematically poaching its tech staff.

By. Ju Hye Yoon

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