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Chinese Drone Captures Japanese Warship, Sparks Security Concerns

A Chinese drone exposed a security flaw in Japan’s defense by filming a Japanese escort ship
In April, the US and Japan announced plans to enhance military cooperation


Recently, a video of a Japanese escort ship filmed by a drone was posted on the Chinese video platform Bilibili, sparking controversy. The Japanese Ministry of Defense initially suspected the video may have been manipulated and launched an investigation. However, the video was later confirmed to be authentic, revealing significant security vulnerabilities in Japan’s Self-Defense Forces.

The ship featured in the video was identified as the Izumo, the largest escort ship in the Japanese Self-Defense Forces. The 20-second video captured the entire deck of the Izumo, moving from the rear, where the rising sun flag was displayed, towards the upper part of the ship.

According to Japanese media, considering the location of nearby highways and buildings, the video is believed to have been filmed at the Yokosuka base of the Maritime Self-Defense Force.

The Japanese Self-Defense Forces have laws prohibiting drone flights around all their bases. The fact that a Chinese drone was able to film an escort ship has left the Japanese forces exposed and criticized for their lack of preparedness.


According to NHK News and other Japanese media, the Japanese Ministry of Defense initially claimed that the video could have been manipulated. However, they later retracted this statement, admitting that there was no evidence of manipulation and that the video was likely authentic.

Furthermore, the Japanese media reported that the Ministry of Defense has expressed serious concerns about the security implications of their bases being exposed to foreign drones. They’re treating this incident as a significant issue.

The video features the Izumo undergoing modifications to enable vertical take-off and landing of stealth fighters, effectively transforming it into an aircraft carrier. The deck of the Izumo is reportedly being reinforced to withstand the heat generated by the heavy fighters during take-off and landing.

Japanese media recently revealed another escort ship, Kaga, which has undergone initial modifications to function as an aircraft carrier.

In April, Kaga’s captain, Ichiro Kokubu, explained that Kaga plays a significant role in the JSDF with its multifunctionality, describing it as a state-of-the-art escort ship.

Kaga, which means blessing, celebration, and fast sailing in Japanese, is a key element of Japan’s military. It is designed for quick response in the forward area and is crucial in enhancing safety and stability in international waters. It is also tasked with strengthening maritime security for Japan’s national interests and ensuring the safety of maritime trade.

Japan’s ongoing conversion of several ships into aircraft carriers, also known as sea military bases, is a sign of the country’s increasing military presence in the Pacific region.


Meanwhile, Japan and the United States announced last month that they had significantly strengthened their military cooperation following a meeting between the leaders of both countries.

On April 10, President Joe Biden and Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga submitted a joint statement titled Global Partners for the Future after their summit at the White House. The statement declared that the US and Japan aim to build a global partnership across all domains, notably by introducing significant command and control systems reforms to improve operational capabilities and integrate the two nations’ military forces.

Experts believe this unprecedented military cooperation is aimed at countering China’s growth.

The joint statement emphasized upgrading interoperability to enhance mutual operations during emergencies and ensure smooth integration during peacetime. This aligns with Japan’s plans to establish a Joint Operations Command for its land, sea, and air Self-Defense Forces by the end of this year, coinciding with the US Forces Japan Command undergoing major reorganization to integrate with the Japanese Self-Defense Forces operational capabilities.


According to Global Firepower, a US military strength assessment agency, Japan held the seventh strongest military power in the world as of January 2024. In contrast, China was ranked third, following the US and Russia.

Japan is expected to actively counter China’s dominance through cooperation with the United States, which boasts the world’s most potent military power.

Biden and Kishida previously stated their firm opposition to any unilateral attempts by China to change the status quo through force and coercion. This highlights that the extensive military cooperation between the US and Japan is aimed at China, especially regarding Taiwan, the South China Sea, and the East China Sea.

Biden also reaffirmed that if Japan is attacked in disputed areas such as the Senkaku Islands (Diaoyu in China), the US-Japan Security Treaty’s Article 5 would be invoked for a joint response.

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