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Airbnb Cracks Down on Privacy: Bans Indoor Security Cameras

Airbnb Bans Installing Security Cameras Indoors
Outdoor Security Cameras Allowed


Airbnb, the world’s largest shared accommodation company, announced that it would ban indoor security cameras in rental properties listed on its site in order to enhance privacy.

Until now, Airbnb has allowed the installation of security cameras indoors as long as they were visible and indicated beforehand. However, installations were forbidden in bedrooms, bathrooms, and restrooms.

Juniper Downs, Airbnb’s Community Policy and Partnership Manager, began by saying, “Our goal was to create updated rules that provide the community with what to expect from Airbnb.”


She continued, “These changes were made through discussions with Airbnb. We thank our guests, hosts, and privacy experts and will continue seeking feedback to make our policy more applicable to the global community.”

The security camera policy, which will take effect on the 30th of next month, completely bans indoor installations but allows outdoor security cameras, such as doorbell cameras.

The Surveillance Technology Oversight Project, an advocacy group for personal privacy, praised Airbnb’s new policy.

Tasos Katopodis

The founder and executive director, Albert Fox Cahn, said, “There’s no need to worry about being recorded in rental spaces such as bedrooms, living rooms, and hallways.” He added, “Removing cameras is a definite win for privacy and safety. We understand that these recording devices can easily be abused.”

Meanwhile, Airbnb emphasized that hosts who violate this policy could potentially “lose their listing status.”

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