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Malaysian Star Namewee’s Death Announcement Turns Out to be a Hoax

On April Fool’s Day, fans were shocked by the unbelievable news of the death of singer-songwriter Wee Meng Chee (aka Namewee).

On the morning of April 1, a black and white photo of Malaysian singer Namewee (40) with the years 1983-2024 inscribed on it was posted on social media. Four hours later, a photo detailing the schedule and location of his funeral was also uploaded. The photo also included a request for relatives and friends to wear white.

Fans online commented, “This can’t be happening. It’s truly heartbreaking,” and “My heart is pounding,” expressing their condolences.

However, there were also reactions predicting that it was just a prank by Namewee, saying, “I know it’s an April Fool’s joke, but this is crossing the line,” “It’s too harsh,” “I hope you’ll come back to life tomorrow,” and “If we go to the funeral, he’ll probably release a new song.” Some even criticized Namewee for going too far with a joke that reminded them of Hong Kong actor Leslie Cheung’s death who also died on April 1.

As rumors of Namewee’s death swirled online, media outlets reached out to his agency for clarification. The agency confirmed a farewell ceremony was planned for 7 PM that same day, April 1st, at the Kuala Lumpur Fortune Life Hall. Contacted by reporters, the venue confirmed the booking but directed questions about the ceremony’s details to the family or agency.

Despite being Malaysian, Namewee carved out a successful career in Taiwan’s entertainment industry. Known for his outspoken commentary, he frequently addressed social issues in Malaysia, which sometimes landed him under police scrutiny.

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