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Chinese Pop Idol Silence Wang’s Career Under Fire Amidst Sexual Harassment Claims

Silence Wang’s social media

Chinese singer-songwriter Silence Wang, beloved for his string of hits, finds himself embroiled in sexual harassment allegations, sparking online controversy.

Foreign media outlet 8world reported on April 14 that a post exposing Wang’s alleged sexual harassment recently surfaced online.

A post originating from an anonymous source began circulating online. The post detailed an incident allegedly occurring in early 2021 while she was studying at a university in Macau. According to the post, she was at a bar with a friend, waiting for two others, when a man approached and invited them to a private room. They found a celebrity wearing a hat pulled low over his eyes inside the room. Surprised by the encounter, she recognized the celebrity but pretended not to.

The man confessed to her that he was gay and proceeded to touch them, from their hand to their thigh, even nibbling on their ear, whispering to them, and kissing their cheek. She confessed, “I was so shocked and frozen at the moment that I couldn’t resist and just said anything.”

After the shocking encounter, she quickly left the room with the help of a friend.

She revealed that they spent the night trembling in fear with their friends and stated, “I don’t remember the exact situation or what state of mind I was in at the time. I remember reacting with laughter and pretending not to know he was a celebrity.”

She said they had forgotten about the incident until they accidentally heard one of Wang’s songs, which brought back the horrifying memory.

In response to the allegations, Wang’s agency issued a statement urging “everyone to remain rational and disregard unfounded rumors, allowing the controversy to fade.” The statement further declared they had assigned a lawyer to gather evidence regarding the spread of false information, essentially denying the accusations.

Despite the agency’s statement, she firmly stated, “I have no intention of bowing down to Silence Wang.”

Later, they wrote another post saying, “The world is going crazy,” confirming that they did not delete their post or any comments. They added, “The assumption that I was paid to delete my post is just fan speculation.”

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