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Japan’s Underground Idol Scene Sparks Debate Over Bikinis and Skimpy Outfits

Are Things Getting “Too Hot?”
Japan’s “Underground Idols” Perform in Risque Skirts or Bikinis
Male Fans in the Front Row Keep Their Hands to Themselves


A video of a girl group performing at an underground venue in Japan has generated buzz.

On April 19th, online outlet Sanook shared a video featuring underground idols performing at a local venue.

A fan who recently attended an underground idol show shared the video.

The girl group in the video impressed viewers with a multifaceted performance that showcased their singing, dancing, and various other talents.

Dressed in Japanese school uniforms, a typical outfit among girl groups, they provided friendly fan service to the audience.

The girls in the video lifted their skirts to show the audience their underwear.


They also wore bikinis during the performance and interacted closely with the fans, enjoying the stage together.

After the video was released, many fans paid close attention not to the girl group but to a male fan in the front row.

The man, close enough to touch the girl group with just a stretch of his hand, was focused on filming with his cell phone, without any intention of reaching out to touch them.

He only waved his hand in greeting, maintaining his manners and keeping his distance from the girl group without touching them.

Many viewers were impressed and continued to praise the man’s respectful behavior.

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