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Akane Nanase: A Victim of Public Sexual Harassment


Popular Japanese model Akane Nanase has captured public attention after revealing her experience as a victim of molestation in a public setting.

On the 21st (local time), Nanase took to her social media platforms to disclose that she had been sexually harassed by a man while she was asleep on a train.

With over 240,000 followers, Nanase is a popular Japanese model who serves as a role model for many young women in Japan.

Nanase explained that while she was sleeping on the train, a man seated next to her inappropriately touched her chest, startling her awake. However, by the time she attempted to confront him, he had already fled the scene. Expressing her frustration, Nanase mentioned that everyone around her was asleep, leaving no witnesses to the incident.

She continued, “Why aren’t there any security cameras on trains? There are often victims like me…” revealing her bitter feelings. She concluded her post with “It’s really scary and I hate it…” which prompted a flood of concerned messages from her fans.

After reading Nanase’s post, netizens shared their thoughts, expressing sentiments like, “It’s really scary to think that there’s no way to prevent harassment while sleeping,” “What a despicable person to harass someone asleep,” “The presence of security cameras varies by line, so you might want to check again!” and “You must have been really scared”.

In response to the outpouring of concern and support from her fans, Nanase remarked, “I’ve had many difficult experiences this year and almost gave up several times, but I’ve been able to keep going thanks to the help and encouragement from those around me and my fans. Thank you so much.” She also expressed her wish to repay the kindness she has received someday, evoking heartfelt responses from her followers.

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