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Tony Leung and Carina Lau’s 16th Anniversary Celebration in France

[TV Report=Reporter Han Ah Reum] Celebrating their 16th wedding anniversary, Hong Kong actors Tony Leung and Carina Lau were spotted in France, still showcasing their strong loving bond.

On the 30th of last month, international media outlet 8 World reported that Tony Leung and Carina Lau were spotted in France, quickly spreading photos of this couple online.

Recently, an online community post sharing a sighting of the couple caught the attention of fans. The post’s author wrote, “I met Tony Leung and Carina Lau in a small French village. It was like a dream,” expressing their thrill.

In the released photos, Tony Leung is wearing a dark brown jacket with his buzz-cut hairstyle. His charisma is undeniable for a man in his 60s. Carina Lau exudes a vibrant charm with her bright-colored jacket contrasting her husband’s. She affectionately stroked Tony Leung’s buzz cut, a new look he had adopted for a recent film shoot.

The couple, enjoying a walk, walked down a staircase with their arms linked, showing their enduring love.

The affectionate display by Tony Leung and Carina Lau drew envy from the fans.

Tony Leung is currently filming the movie Silent Friend in Europe. It is speculated that Carina Lau visited Europe to support her husband during his shoot.

Meanwhile, Tony Leung and Carina Lau have been in a long relationship for about 19 years, starting from 1989, and married in 2008.

Their relationship wasn’t always smooth sailing. In 1990, Carina Lau was kidnapped by Hong Kong gangsters and forced into taking nude photos, leading her to propose a breakup to Tony Leung. Despite her declaration, Tony Leung stood by Carina Lau for over a decade, eventually leading to their marriage.

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