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Single Teen Mom Stuns With Her Thrifty and Healthy Lifestyle Choices

Teenager mom Lee Se Bin raised curiosity as she shared her daily life with her 18-month-old son and revealed her struggles with making decisions with opposing figures in her life on the South Korean show, Teenage Parents 4.

On the 42nd episode of MBN‘s Teenage Parents 4, airing at 10:20 PM on Wednesday, May 22nd, we are introduced to Lee Se Bin, a young woman who became a mom at 20.

The three show hosts – Park Mi Sun, Seo Jang Hoon, and In Gyo Jin – are shocked to hear Lee Se Bin share, “When my son Ha Neul was a newborn, his father broke up with me and asked me to give the baby up for adoption.” She then revealed that she lives alone with her son and expressed her concerns about people opposing her decisions, leading her to appear on the show.

During the show, viewers see her daily life with her son Ha Neul as she prepares a “salt-free diet” for her son early in the morning. She has been managing a strict diet for her son who was born with only one kidney. Se Bin makes her ketchup by grinding tomatoes and quickly whips up a “salt-free” teddy bear fried rice. Park Mi Sun applauds, exclaiming, “Oh my, a culinary genius is among us!” In Gyo Jin also praises her, sharing, “I’ve never seen Park Mi Sun smile this brightly during my time on this show.”

Se Bin visits the administrative welfare center with Ha Neul after breakfast, showing her smart side by exchanging recycled milk packs and used batteries for pay-as-you-throw trash bags and new batteries. Se Bin also reveals her current financial status, stating that she spends 150,000 won ($130) on food and 30,000 ($26) on childcare products monthly, earning everyone’s applause. “I have a regular deposit and bond account, and I am also preparing a housing subscription account,” she added, which earned her high praise from In Gyo Jin. “You’re in the black! This is the first time I’ve seen someone in the black!” She exclaimed.

“Such a good woman…The baby’s father who left will regret it and beat the ground,” Park Mi Sun commented watching Se Bin’s excellent parenting, housekeeping, and self-development skills in her daily life.

Jo Young Eun, a psychological counselor, wondered, “What kind of choice is she trying to make that everyone is trying to stop her?”

However, the studio is shocked when they see an unexpected action by Se Bin. The studio hosts, including Park Mi Sun, are appalled, saying “What’s going on? Everything was so good until now.”

“It’s worse than we thought,” Seo Jang Hoon shared, eliciting a sigh after seeing Sebin’s unexpected behavior.

The 42nd episode can be seen on MBN’s Teenage Parents 4 airing at 10:20 PM KST this Wednesday, May 22nd.

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