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Aussie Porn Stars Spill: #1 Mistake Men Make in Bed


Four Australian female porn stars have shared one common mistake men make during sex.

The New York Post recently revealed that the most common mistake men make during sex is “being in a rush.”

Alicia Davis, 31, said Australian men tend to lead the relationship.

She disclosed that Australian men focus more on “getting the job done” than engaging their partners, neglecting the little things that can add to the moment or checking if the woman is satisfied.

“Whenever I’ve slept with an Irish or British guy, they have been much more communicative and sensual. It makes a world of difference,” she argued. 


Annie Night, 26, has become a hot topic after revealing that she slept with 300 men in the last 12 months. She said that Australian men tend just to finish sex quickly.

“What they don’t understand is you have to go slowly. Start by kissing and light touching,” she said.

Kay Manuel then once again said that Aussie men “rush” to reach the finish, adding that “it makes the overall experience worse.”

Katija Cortez later discussed the issue of men’s lack of patience during sex, honestly responding, “I’m not sure how men really think we can just make it happen automatically 57 times in a session. Even better when they last 10 seconds and ask if I’ve finished!”

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