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Japanese Actress Weds After Two-Week Romance – Here’s Why

Japanese actress Hitomi Takahashi confessed that she married her husband just two weeks after they started dating.

On May 25, CHANTO WEB released the full interview with Takahashi. Takahashi shared a story about her husband, who is two years younger than her.

When the interviewer asked, “We understand you married a man two years younger than you when you were 52. Can you tell us how you met?” Takahashi replied, “I met my husband at a dinner with a mutual friend.”

She went on to say, “I had to go to Italy for work. My husband, who was just a friend at the time, asked if he could come along. I told him ‘no’ because it was a business trip, but he followed me anyway,” suggesting that her husband had feelings for her first.

Despite initially opposing his company to Italy, Takahashi confessed that she developed feelings for her husband during the trip. “We had a little free time to tour Italy. My husband, who is fluent in the language, got us tickets to an exhibition and guided me perfectly,” Takahashi revealed, expressing her affection for her husband.

Takahashi shared that she started dating her husband when they returned to Japan from Italy. She explained, “We started dating when we returned to Tokyo, and we registered our marriage just two weeks later.”

Takahashi continued, “Before I met my husband, I never considered marriage. I wasn’t against it, but nobody had ever properly proposed it. But my husband proposed right after we started dating.”

Hitomi Takahashi married a non-celebrity man two years her junior in 2013. They were each other’s first marriage. Her husband is known to work for an airline.

Takahashi debuted as an actress in 1979 and has appeared in numerous dramas and films. Recently, she has expanded her activities by appearing on entertainment shows.

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