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Ian McKellen Hints at Gandalf Comeback in New ‘Lord of the Rings’ Projects

The 85-year-old Sir Ian McKellen recently expressed that he would love to return to the role of Gandalf if his health permits, leaving many fans feeling bittersweet.

McKellen discussed the possibility of Gandalf’s return in an interview with The Times on June 8. Gandalf is a central character in J.R.R. Tolkien’s legendary novels The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings series, both of which have been adapted into beloved films.

Gandalf is undeniably a character that represents McKellen. Having portrayed Gandalf in all series of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, McKellen received high praise from movie fans and critics worldwide. He won the Best Supporting Actor award from the American Actors Guild and was a nominee for the same category at the Academy Awards. 

Warner Brothers previously announced that Peter Jackson, the director of The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, will produce two more films set in Middle Earth, the stage of the series. According to The Hollywood Reporter, both films are set to be released in 2026, one of which is a project titled Lord of the Rings: The Hunt for Gollum

McKellen told The Times, “Nothing is official yet, but Gandalf will appear in this movie in some way.” He added, “There’s no script, no offer, no plan,” but when asked if he would be interested in reprising the role of Gandalf if given the opportunity, he joked, “If I’m still alive.” Currently, McKellen is playing Falstaff in the play Player Kings and maintains long hair suitable for the role of Gandalf, exciting fans about his potential participation.

In an interview last September, he said, “I have never stopped acting, but I am aware that I could be forced to stop at any time. But as long as my knees hold up and my memory remains intact, why should I quit? I’m doing quite well at acting right now,” indicating that he has no plans to retire yet.

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