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One Thousand Lucky Fans Will Have the Golden Opportunity to Hug BTS Jin

Jin from BTS commented on his Free Hug event at Festa 2024.

Jin shared through the fan community Weverse on June 12, “I worked hard to prepare for the company’s Festa. My free hug idea was just something I said to make to make the event stand out. It seems that the meaning of the event was misunderstood as if we had brainstormed the idea together.”

“Due to the large number of people, I ask you to pass by as quickly as possible. It will be hard to have a conversation and it would be better if you could pass by quickly after a simple hug for the event to proceed smoothly. I appreciate your understanding,” he added, raising anticipation.

Jin will meet with fans at Festa 2024 held on June 13. The first part of the event will be held privately where 1000 lucky fans will be able to hug the world-renowned idol.

Jin said on Weverse Live, “I went to the company with a schedule plan after my military discharge at the end of last year. The company said they already had a plan, but I suggested doing a free hug event. At first, the company refused.” He revealed the reason for holding the Free Hug event. Initially hoping for about 3,000 people, he said, “We agreed to do it for only 1,000 people after some negotiation. It was the company’s consideration for me because it would be difficult for me (to hug 3000 fans),” he explained.

After it was announced that the event would be held for ARMY membership subscribers, there were criticisms that it discriminated against existing album purchasers due to the customers who completed the entry through Weverse Shop during the entry period and purchased all previous BTS albums (including solo albums).

The agency quickly apologized, saying, “We apologize for the unclear announcement and for not setting the entry criteria carefully in advance.” They also announced that they would revise the entry method to include those who purchased albums for offline events and those who have a record of purchasing albums from Weverse Shop before the announcement.

Jin was the first to announce his military discharge news among the members. Warm energy was evident as BTS members took leave to see Jin and celebrate his discharge.

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