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Rat-astrophe in NYC Subway! Unthinkable Photo Goes Viral

① Streets of New York Dominated by Rats

Daily Mail

New York City is suffering from a rat invasion, causing a headache. A swarm of rats has been seen roaming the streets of New York. They casually wander the streets without fear or caution. People walking on the streets sometimes collide with rats and get their feet bumped.

A shocking photo taken in the New York subway has recently been revealed. A man was sitting on a subway seat, sleeping. At that time, a rat climbed onto the sleeping man’s body and crawled all over him. The rat climbed down the man’s leg, onto his arm, and even up to his shoulder. The man woke up in surprise and shock.


A man traveling from Pennsylvania to New York shared a video of himself enjoying a New York tour while following a rat. He said that besides popular tourist attractions such as the Empire State Building and the Statue of Liberty, you can also enjoy rat tourism in New York. When the video was released, many people sympathized with him. The man said, “I really hate rats, but I made this video for the memories.”

In addition, on platforms such as YouTube, TikTok, and online communities, you can commonly see videos of rats roaming the streets of New York. Trash scattered on the roads was all torn apart by rats, and the bags were completely ripped. Rats rummage through food waste and are not afraid of threatening humans. They even attack humans. One man was startled and almost fell while descending an escalator when a rat ran by.

② Reasons for the Sudden Increase in Rats


Currently, New York is fighting a war against rat swarms. According to NBC New York, the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene announced that the rat population has more than doubled compared to 2021. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, most restaurants in New York have closed, causing rat swarms to come out and search for food outdoors. They have adapted to this lifestyle and boldly roam the streets.

Last year, about 60,000 rat sightings were reported in New York, twice as many as in 2021. Some people even say there are more rats than people in New York. Experts have attributed the sudden increase in rats to the spread of COVID-19.

So, were there always this many rats in New York? Rats in New York have long been a nuisance. In particular, New York rats are known to be larger and more aggressive than ordinary rats. They have an average length of 40cm and weigh about 500g, with some rats weighing up to 1kg. They also reproduce very quickly.


A New York Times article from 1865 reported, “At the current rate of rat increase, we will have to bring in the Pied Piper to exterminate them.” The old sewer system in New York consists of large tunnels that need to be repaired by humans. Underground tunnels and other structures are left abandoned, creating an environment suitable for rats.

When walking the streets of New York, you can see a lot of trash. The abundance of trash on the streets makes it easy for rats to thrive. Due to the aging infrastructure and the garbage dumped on the streets, many believe New York is a conducive environment for breeding rats.

③ High-Paying ‘Rat Catchers’ in Public Service

USA Today

New York has offered a huge salary to deal with the increasing rat swarms. The city of New York stated that to fight against the rat swarms, one needs the ‘killer instinct’ and dedication and has employed ‘rat catchers’ in public service.

Kathleen Corradi, a former education official in New York City, was hired despite a highly competitive ratio of 900 to 1. She will receive a salary of a whopping $155,000. Corradi has been involved in rat extermination campaigns since she was a girl. This is the first case in New York history of someone being appointed as the ‘Rat Czar,’ a term that refers to a public official with strong authority in a specific field.
‘Czar’ means an emperor in the Russian Empire, but it also refers to a public official with strong authority in a specific field.

After taking office, Corradi has developed a systematic strategy for rat extermination that suits the characteristics of New York City. She said, “With the high population density in New York, it is an environment where rats are bound to be abundant. Underground, the subway and sewer systems are interconnected like a spider web, and skyscrapers form a forest above ground. Rats have an abundant food supply and habitat.” Many people are interested to see if New York City can bid farewell to the rat swarms.

By. Kim Min Jae (minjaaie33@mememedia.co.kr)

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