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Live Insect Found in Store-Bought Loaf Shocks Customer

A netizen revealed that a live insect was found in bread purchased as a meal substitute.

On the 19th, an online community called ‘Gaedrip’ posted an article titled ‘Live insect found in Spx Samx bread.’

The post’s author, A, shared a photo and the caption, “I bought it to eat instead of rice, but the ladybug ate all my food.”

The accompanying photo shows black foreign substances inside a chocolate bread. The identity of the black substance is speculated to be a southern ladybug, attracting attention.

A’s public complaint message / Gaedrip
A’s sterilized bag for submitting complaints / Gaedrip
A’s receipt at the time / Gaedrip

However, skeptics questioned the authenticity of A’s claims, suspecting it could be staged. Responding to the skeptics, A said, “I also have a video,” adding, “The convenience store owner was present when I opened the bread bag.” To further authenticate his story, A mentioned, “I have the purchase receipt, photos with date stamps, and even visited the headquarters.” He also said the company acknowledged its “moral responsibility.”

When another user requested to see the store’s security footage, A replied, “I opened the package outside the store while talking to the convenience store owner, so the insect came out in one photo and one video. There will likely be footage of me putting it into a disposable bag at the counter.” A also claimed that the company offered him a 40,000 KRW ($34) mobile gift voucher, which he has not accepted and is filing a formal complaint.

In addition to his posts, A released a 16-second video capturing the moving bug, causing further shock among viewers.

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