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Taiwan Furious Over ‘China’s Territory’ Claims – A Baffling Disagreement

Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs: “Chinese Communist authoritarian government repeatedly denigrates our sovereignty”

China and Syria, in a move to improve diplomatic relations, have issued a joint statement saying, “Taiwan is part of Chinese territory.” Taiwan authorities immediately countered, “This is an absurd claim not based on fact.”

Chinese President Xi Jinping (left) [Photo=Chinese Communist Party]

According to local reports from the Taiwan Liberty Times and others on the 24th, the Taiwanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemned China and Syria’s joint statement, stating, “We sternly condemn the authoritarian government of the Chinese Communist Party for repeatedly denigrating our sovereignty and following the stance of the authoritarian government of the Syrian Communist Party.”

They continued, “Only the government elected by the democratic vote of the Taiwanese people can represent Taiwan,” and “Taiwan and China are not subordinate to each other. The international community has acknowledged this for a long time,” they refuted.

The Taiwanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs also called for China to stop imposing its One China principle on other nations, stating it is “not in line with reality.”

Furthermore, they emphasized that “Taiwan is at the forefront of defending the democratic camp” and “will strengthen cooperation with democratic countries to curb the expansion of authoritarianism and safeguard peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait.”

After a meeting in Hangzhou, China, Chinese President Xi Jinping upgraded relations with President Bashar al-Assad to strategic partners. Both countries declared through a joint statement that ‘Taiwan is an inseparable part of Chinese territory’ and ‘support the Chinese government’s efforts for unification.’

By. Ahn Sae Jun (nocount-jun@inews24.com)

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