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“bloody america”: Man found dead with guns, bombs strapped to amusement park

미국 콜로라도 주의 한 놀이공원에서 총기와 폭탄으로 중무장한 남성이 숨진 채 발견됐다. 사진=EPA 연합뉴스

A heavily armed man was found dead in an amusement park in Colorado, USA.

According to the Garfield County Sheriff’s Office in Colorado on the 31st (local time), a man in his twenties was found dead in the women’s restroom of ‘Glenwood Caverns Adventure Park’ on the morning of the 28th.

The man was wearing black combat gear, a bulletproof vest, and a bulletproof helmet, and was heavily armed with a semi-automatic rifle and a semi-automatic pistol. Both weapons were loaded. Several improvised explosive devices (IEDs) were also found in the vehicle he drove.

Investigators are looking into the exact circumstances of the incident, believing that he illegally entered the amusement park and made an extreme choice after being shot in the head.

On the wall of the restroom where the man was found, it was written, “I am not a murderer. I just wanted to go into the cave.”

Meanwhile, the firearm the deceased man had turned out to be a so-called ‘ghost gun’ that cannot be traced because it does not have a serial number. Authorities believe that the man, who was 20 years old, could not have legally purchased a firearm since Colorado raised the age for purchasing firearms to 21 earlier this year.

Meanwhile, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is investigating the man’s cell phone and social networking service (SNS) accounts.

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    false flag gone wrong

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