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Israeli Forces Find Arms in Gaza Hospital, Claim Hamas Flees Gaza

Civilians loot Hamas bases as they flee south
AK-47 rifles and suicide bomb vests found in a hospital basement

The Israeli military is searching the Gaza Strip on the 12th (local time). Gaza (Palestine)/Xinhua News Agency

The Israeli military has claimed that the Palestinian armed group Hamas has abandoned the Gaza Strip and fled.

According to Israeli media outlets like Haaretz on the 13th (local time), Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant stated in a press conference, “Hamas has lost control of the Gaza Strip,” and “they are fleeing south.”

Minister Gallant emphasized, “The Israeli military is advancing everywhere, and Hamas has no power to stop it.” He added, “Civilians are looting Hamas bases after they fled, indicating their lack of trust in Hamas.”

Senior Israeli military spokesperson Daniel Haggari said, “The Israeli military raided the Rantisi Hospital, which treats children, and found a Hamas command center, suicide bomb vests, grenades, AK-47 assault rifles, explosive devices, RPGs, computers, and cash in the basement.” He continued, “In another hospital, we killed an armed group that was firing at our military,” and “We also killed several Hamas commanders in air strikes during the day.”

Meanwhile, pictures appearing to show the Israeli military occupying a Hamas medical center are spreading on social media. The Israeli military has not yet commented on this.

Pictures appearing to show the Israeli military occupying a Hamas medical center are spreading on social media. Source: Israeli War Room X

By. Ko Dae Young

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