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If the pizza is too small, suspect this one. ‘Shocked’ by the revelation of the ‘subtraction trick'[Video]

[영상] '배달 온 피자 왜 이렇게 작지?' '빼먹기 수법' 폭로에 '충격'
Pizza chef Jay Ryan reveals the ‘pizza theft’ method. TikTok video capture

The reason why your ordered pizza may have seemed smaller than expected has been revealed. A pizza chef in the U.S. has exposed a method of stealing a portion of a pizza pie.

On the 15th (local time), the New York Post reported on a video exposed by pizza expert and TikToker Jay Ryan, revealing a method of intercepting a portion of a delivered pizza.

Ryan, who usually posts videos of various pizza cooking methods, exposed in this video how chefs can steal a slice of pizza without getting caught by customers.

In the video, Ryan is seen taking a pizza out of the oven and putting it down. It’s a regular-sized pizza, no different than usual. He then cuts the center of the pizza and, leaving the center part, combines the remaining half and places it in the delivery container. At a glance, it’s hard to tell if a portion of the slice has been cut off. Ryan ends the video by holding up the stolen slice and saying ‘dinner’.

[영상] '배달 온 피자 왜 이렇게 작지?' '빼먹기 수법' 폭로에 '충격'
Pizza chef Jay Ryan reveals the ‘pizza theft’ method. TikTok video capture

The expose video stirred up a big controversy, recording millions of views. Netizens who saw it expressed their opinions, saying, ‘I’m going to order without cutting from now on’, ‘This is theft’, and ‘The reason why I could eat two pizzas’.

There have also been cases of ‘delivery food theft’ in South Korea. In 2021, a delivery man was caught on CCTV in an elevator opening a pizza box, eating the food, repackaging it, and delivering it, causing public outrage.

At the time, delivery app companies, including Baemin, took the position that they were not responsible, citing their terms and conditions. In response, the Fair Trade Commission put a stop to these ‘bullying’ terms. The Fair Trade Commission judged that the terms and conditions of these major delivery apps were typical unfair terms. As a result, if such an incident happens again in the future, the delivery app operator will be held responsible.

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