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UK Faces Bedbug Crisis, Countless Disturbing Sightings on Social Media

① Bedbug Infestation Found in UK Subway

Bedbug infestation in the UK / TikTok

Reports of bedbugs are pouring in from across the country as the UK is dealing with an escalating infestation. The fear of bedbugs is spreading, heightening citizens’ anxiety. The UK is also struggling with the bedbug issue.

On social media, videos of bedbugs found in the UK rapidly spread. On October 8, a released video showed a bug, suspected to be a bedbug, crawling on a passenger’s leg in the London subway. The video quickly garnered over a million views, stirring a significant controversy. Passengers urged the London Transport Authority to tackle the bedbug issue.


Sadiq Khan, Mayor of London, expressed concern about the widespread bedbug infestation in Paris, France. Khan said, “The London Transport Authority (TFL) is regularly disinfecting subways and buses and discussing the matter with Eurostar (which runs between Paris).” He added that they are consulting with Parisian officials to see if any lessons can be learned.

He further stated, “For various reasons, I don’t think London will have a bedbug problem, but the London Transport Authority won’t take it lightly.” Eurostar stated there is no need to worry about bedbugs on their trains. All fabric surfaces on the trains undergo regular cleaning with hot water, and immediate disinfection occurs if any suspicious situation arises.


However, citizens continue to release videos of discovering bedbugs in the London subway. Countless bedbugs crawled on the subway seats and were found on the ceiling. A bus passenger in the UK discovered a bedbug crawling on the window.

The passenger reported the discovery of bedbugs on bus number 59 heading to Oldham in Greater Manchester, tagging the social media account operated by the UK transportation company FirstBus.
People are currently sharing videos of bedbug sightings on TikTok.

② Shortage of Medications


In the UK, stories of people bitten by bedbugs continue due to the infestation. UK public transportation companies have pledged to manage the situation actively.

Eurostar, which provides high-speed rail services in Europe, runs between London and Paris. They stated, “We will disinfect the trains running between London and Paris if there are any suspicions.”

Currently, pest control companies in London are inundated with inquiries about bedbugs. They have warned that the bedbug infestation has reached uncontrollable levels. Experts say that resistance to insecticides is making bedbug eradication even more challenging.


The UK Pest Control Association receives about 12,000 reports each year. The rapid increase in travelers following COVID-19 seems to have accelerated the spread of bedbugs. Rentokil, a UK pest control company, reported a 65% increase in bedbug infestation cases observed from last year to this year compared to the COVID-19 pandemic period.

There are also concerns about a shortage of medications for bedbug bites in the UK. Hydrocortisone cream, an over-the-counter medicine, can alleviate itching and inflammation caused by bedbug bites. However, with the rise in bedbug infestations, the supply of the drug is uneven nationwide. Some pharmacies are unable to sell it due to lack of stock.

A UK Department of Health and Social Care spokesperson said they would cooperate with suppliers to make the product available again as soon as possible.

③ Discovery at a University in Korea

Social media capture

Bedbugs were found in a dormitory at a university in Daegu. A student living in the dormitory appealed for help on the university’s anonymous bulletin board due to the damage caused by bedbugs.
The student said, “I visited the university hospital due to itchiness, hives, and high fever, and my inflammation level rose above 400. I found a large bug under my mattress.”

The student also attached a photo of a bug crawling on the mattress, suspected to be a bedbug. The student added, “A cleaning staff member said that bedbugs and mold occurred because I spilled a drink, but I don’t think this could happen from eating food.”

Another student from the same university also shared a photo showing a bedbug bite. The students requested pest control from the university, but the university avoided responsibility and belatedly took action for pest control.

The bed where the bedbugs were found was used by a student of British nationality. A university official explained, “Upon inspecting the entire dormitory, we found bedbugs only in the room of the affected student, where a British student had stayed before the victim.”

By. Seo Sung Min

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