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82-Year-Old Man Leaves $3.8 Million Legacy for Hometown Development

Man With Enormous Wealth Through Investments
Modest Lifestyle Throughout Life… Home Furnished with Only an Old Bed

An 80-year-old man in the United States, known for his frugal lifestyle, passed away, leaving behind a will that bequeathed his $3.8 million fortune to be used to develop his town.

According to Daily Mail on the 21st (local time), Geoffrey Holt, who lived in Hinsdale, New Hampshire, passed away in June at the age of 82.

Geoffrey was known for his modest lifestyle, often seen wearing shabby clothes and riding a lawnmower around town instead of a car. Reports suggest that his home was sparsely furnished with only an old bed. Everyday household items like a TV or computer were missing from his residence.

Residents were unaware of Geoffrey’s substantial wealth. A neighbor close to Geoffrey said, “No one would have known that he was so successful,” expressing their surprise.

Geoffrey donated $3.8 million to the local community at the end of his life. As per Geoffrey’s will, the legacy is intended to be used for education, health, recreation, and cultural initiatives in Hinsdale.

Before his death, Geoffrey worked as a caretaker at Stuntz Park. Before that, he was a production manager at a grain mill.

Geoffrey amassed his wealth through wise investments grounded in his frugal lifestyle. While working at the factory, he was known to read books on finance and sought out quiet places to study the subject.

Geoffrey’s younger sister, Alison Holt, 81, said, “We learned from our father the importance of not wasting money and investing wisely.”

Residents are hopeful that Geoffrey’s legacy will have a positive impact on the development of Hinsdale. Ann DiOrio, a member of the local planning committee, said, “This place is actually a forgotten area in New Hampshire. I hope it becomes a little more famous.”

By. Heo Mi Dam

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