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Football Star Hwang’s Sister-In-Law Was Behind the Private Video Leak

'휴대전화 해킹 당해'… 황의조 친형수, 사생활 폭로 혐의 부인
South Korean national soccer team player Hwang Ui-jo. Yonhap News

Police handed over the sister-in-law of South Korean national soccer team player Hwang Ui-jo to the prosecution on charges of distributing Hwang’s private video and threatening him. However, she denied the allegations.

The Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency’s Cyber Crime Investigation Unit reported on the 23rd that during the police investigation, Hwang’s sister-in-law, A, claimed someone hacked her mobile phone and leaked the private video. However, the police said there was no possibility of hacking.

Suspicions surround A for distributing photos and videos featuring Hwang and several women on social media in June while claiming to be Hwang’s ex-girlfriend. Accusations also point to her for sending messages to Hwang, threatening to distribute the photos.

The Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency’s Cyber Crime Investigation Unit sent A, Hwang’s sister-in-law, to the Seoul Central District Prosecutor’s Office on the 22nd on charges of distributing photos under the Sexual Violence Punishment Act. It is known that she served as Hwang’s manager along with Hwang’s brother.

Meanwhile, the police turned Hwang into a suspect as they judged that there was a circumstance of illegal filming and summoned him for investigation.

Hwang denies the allegations, saying, ‘The video in question shows a woman who had a relationship with me in the past, but we both agreed to the video at that time.’ On the other hand, the victim’s side countered, “I never agreed.”

The police are figuring out how A leaked the video.

By. Chae Min Seok

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