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North Korea Calls US-South Korea Joint Drills as ‘Foolish Move to Hasten Doom’

North Korean Criticism of South Korea and the U.S.
Accusations of South Korea as a “Puppet Regime”

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un took a photo with participants of the 5th National Mothers’ Meeting on the 8th. [Photo=Yonhap News]

North Korea criticized South Korea and the U.S. on the 11th for their joint military exercises. They said that South Korea, which they referred to as a “puppet regime,” is supporting the United States in its ambition for northern aggression, characterizing this as a misguided act that hastens its destruction.

The Workers’ Party newspaper, Rodong Sinmun, declared, “The puppet regime is recklessly running wild, fully prepared for a joint operation with the U.S. and trying to ignite the flames of war.”

Linking Tensions to South Korea After the 9·19 Military Agreement Suspension

The report appears to be an attempt to shift responsibility for the tensions on the Korean Peninsula to South Korea following the suspension of the 9·19 military agreement. Many view it as a strategic move, laying the groundwork for future provocations.

The Rodong Sinmun reported that the actions of South Korea, described as “puppets,” in vehemently criticizing North Korea’s reconnaissance satellite launch on November 22nd and announcing the suspension of specific provisions of the 9·19 North-South Military Agreement are evocative of a wartime atmosphere near the Military Demarcation Line.

Highlighting Various Military Exercises and Drills

The report also highlighted various significant military activities, including the large-scale U.S.-South Korea joint air exercises known as “Vigilant Defense” and joint command training (WFX) involving the U.S. and South Korea. These combined naval exercises included the Army, Navy, and Air Force of both nations, joint training conducted by the U.S. and South Korean Air Force, the South Korean Navy and Marine Corps 2023 Patriotic Joint Landing Exercise, and a comprehensive defense exercise by the Marine Corps in the Northwestern Islands during November.

The newspaper labeled Defense Minister Shin Won Sik and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Kim Myung Soo as “puppet military leaders obsessed with provoking a war of northern aggression” and added, “They spew out confrontational remarks day after day.”

By. Sang Hyun Park

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