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Kim Jong Un’s Secret New Year’s Message to Students – What Really Happened?

김정은 북한 국무위원장이 새해 첫날인 지난 1일 만경대학생소년궁전에서 진행된 2024년 설맞이 공연을 관람했다고 조선중앙통신이 2일 보도했다 사진연합뉴스
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un attended the ‘2024 New Year’s Performance’ held at Mangyongdae Children’s Palace on the first day of the new year, reported the Korean Central News Agency on the 2nd. [Photo=Yonhap News]

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un attended the 2024 New Year’s Performance held at Mangyongdae Children’s Palace on the first day of the new year.

The Korean Central News Agency reported on the 2nd that “Kim examined the science models created by the students and emphasized the importance of principle education in enhancing the students’ brain development and reasoning abilities, and spoke about innovating the content and methods of education to acquire practical knowledge that can be used in socialist construction.”

Furthermore, they emphasized that Kim warmly treated the students, stating, “Chairman Kim caressed the cheeks of a student and poured out love,” “he blessed their bright future,” and “he watched their lovely appearances.”

After the performance ended, Kim took a photo with the students. High-ranking officials of the party and government and staff of the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party also accompanied Kim’s performance viewing.

Meanwhile, on the first day of the new year in 2023, Kim also took a photo with the ninth Congress of the Korean Children’s Union. He has been portraying a figure that cares for the future generation, such as directing the expansion of high-quality school uniforms for students at the end-of-the-year meeting on the 28th of last month.

By. Yoon Sun Choi

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