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Elementary School Teacher Accused of Inappropriate Relationship with Student

U.S. Police Authorities

A female teacher in the U.S., who was three months away from her wedding, has been exposed for having an inappropriate relationship with a student.

According to various local media outlets such as the New York Post and Daily Mail on May 5, Madison Bergman (24), a teacher working at an elementary school in Wisconsin, was arrested on charges of having an inappropriate relationship with an 11-year-old boy.

The boy’s mother happened to overhear their conversation and discovered Bergman’s crime after seeing text messages exchanged between her 11-year-old son and Bergman.

The text messages contained phrases such as “Where are we meeting for lunch or after school?” and “How did you feel after our encounter?”.

Madison Bergman LinkedIn

The boy’s mother went to the school to protest and reported the incident to the police. Upon investigation, the police found a notebook with the victim’s name in Bergman’s bag, which contained notes about how many times they had kissed.

Bergman’s crime is believed to have begun last December when she obtained the boy’s phone number and started contacting him, even though she was engaged to her boyfriend at the time. Huffman, who was a bride-to-be with her wedding three months away, has reportedly been dumped by her boyfriend and the wedding is not expected to proceed. Bergman, who was arrested on charges of first-degree sexual assault of a minor, was released on a bail of $25,000 and is currently awaiting trial.

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