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China’s Ma Xiaojun Loses Fight Against Colon Cancer at 30


Popular Chinese internet celebrity Ma Xiaojun passed away at the age of 30.

Ma, who was suffering from abdominal pain and diarrhea last May, went to the hospital for a health check-up.

While awaiting the results, Ma received shocking news from the doctor.

Ma, who was only 29, was suddenly diagnosed with colon cancer.

Shaken by the sudden news, Ma fought cancer with a positive attitude, focusing solely on her husband and children despite her inner turmoil.

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Despite her efforts, news spread that Ma’s recent weight has dropped to 79.4 lbs, worrying many fans.

Her condition rapidly deteriorated, with cancer cells spreading to her lungs, liver, intestines, pelvis, and other parts, resulting in an emergency where she developed as many as five holes in her stomach.

After fighting colon cancer for about a year under her mother’s name, she eventually passed away on May 26 at the age of 30.

Ma’s husband is known to be deeply saddened by her death, and the waves of mourning from fans continue.

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