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‘All Asians Look the Same’ Comment Ignites Controversy in Sports Community


English Premier League’s Tottenham Hotspur captain Son Heung Min was the target of team member Rodrigo Bentancur’s racially discriminatory remark, sparking outrage among fans.

Bentancur recently mentioned Son during a broadcast in Uruguay.

As the host requested for Son’s jersey, Bentancur made a racially offensive comment, saying, “All Asians look the same. No one would know even if I brought Sonny’s cousin’s jersey.”

Many fans and viewers online were outraged by Bentancur’s insensitive comment. As criticism poured in, he eventually apologized through his social media.

Online Community/ Give Me Sports

“Sony brother! I apologise to you for what happened, it was just a very bad joke! You know what I love you and I would never disrespect you or hurt you or anyone else! I love you brother!” Bentancur posted.

Many are questioning and criticizing the sincerity of his apology, which he posted on an Instagram story that disappeared after 24 hours.

Various U.K. media outlets have reported on the issue, pointing out the racist behavior.

U.K.’s Give Me Sports reported that Son consistently suffered from racism since he started playing in the English Premier League.


The media pointed out, “Sonny has been a victim of racism,” and explained that he has previously spoken about the pain he faced due to racism.

In a 2019 press conference, Son stated, “It doesn’t matter where you come from. We all play one sport. We need to protect and fight together for the players who are victims of racism.”

He also shared his thoughts on racism, saying, “I believe the best response is no response.”

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