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Teenagers Using Ramen Wrappers as Condom Alternatives: Doctor Recommends THIS Instead

Teenagers unable to buy condoms resort to using ramen noodle wrappers…
When there are no condoms, try this method…

꽈추형 홍성우

New light is being shed on teenagers’ awareness and practice of contraception.

Urologist Hong Seong-Woo, also known as Kwachu-hyung, lectured on contraception and condom use to the idol group Mirae.

꽈추형 홍성우

Hong emphasized that if you know the correct way to use a condom, the failure rate of contraception dramatically decreases, and the leading cause of failure is incorrect usage or the wrong size.

However, he pointed out that, in reality, there are many cases where teenagers cannot easily purchase condoms, leading them to use dangerous alternatives.

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Hong mentioned that teenagers, finding it challenging to purchase condoms, resort to using alternatives such as plastic wrap, ramen packets, bread bags, and rubber gloves, all incorrect methods of contraception.

Hong argued that alongside comprehensive sex education, a conducive environment where even minors can purchase condoms should be created.

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In particular, he mentioned that countries like the Netherlands and Germany record low teen pregnancy rates not by prohibiting sexual relations but by thorough contraception education and self-responsibility.

Hong also introduced methods of contraception when there are no condoms available. He said, “If you don’t have a condom and you’re in a situation where you can’t avoid it, you have to use the menstrual cycle method. However, you need to know how to count the days. You’re avoiding ovulation days.” He explained, “There’s no 100% safe day, but it’s a secondary method of contraception.”

He also recommended ‘double contraception,’ which combines birth control pills and condoms, and emphasized the importance of possessing realistic and substantial knowledge about sexual activity.

This lecture received a great response from teenagers. According to a survey by the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency, the average age of first sexual intercourse among Korean teenagers is 14.1 years old. Therefore, Hong’s lecture is expected to have a positive impact on teenagers’ sexual health and safety.

By. Ryu Dong Ho

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