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Animal Paradise in Argentina Ushuaia

Ushuaia / Flickr

Ushuaia is located at the southernmost tip of the world where the road ends. Ushuaia, the city closest to Antarctica, maintains an average temperature of 13 degrees Celsius (55 degrees Fahrenheit) even in summer. Therefore, you can encounter penguins and sea lions, which mainly inhabit Antarctica, in Ushuaia. From Penguin Island to the Beagle Channel and Long Beach.

Known as the “Animal Paradise”we introduce a day course in Ushuaia.

01 Penguin Island, Isla Martillo

Penguins on Penguin Island / Unsplash

We introduce a place that penguin lovers will welcome. It’s Penguin Island, located in Ushuaia. Here, you can meet various penguins, such as Magellanic and King penguins. You can walk next to the penguins or take pictures with them. Seeing penguins up close is a rare experience, so it’s sure to create unforgettable memories. Of course, you must not touch or disturb the penguins.

Penguins on Penguin Island / Flickr

If you want to see penguins running around actively, we recommend coming to Argentina during the summer.

Penguin Island is often visited as part of a tour, either combined with the Beagle Channel or on its own. It is recommended to select a tour product according to your preferences and circumstances or to consider traveling independently. However, to protect the island, the number of admissions is limited to about 50 to 80 people per day, so reservations fill up quickly. If you want to meet the penguins, it’s better to hurry.

02 Beagle Channel, Canal Beagle

Cormorants and sea lions of the Beagle Channel / Spickr

If you love animals, it’s a shame to leave out the Beagle Channel tour. The Beagle Channel is home to various marine animals living in harmony.

You can meet cormorants and sea lions gathered in groups. And if you’re lucky, you might even see a whale.

The End of the World Lighthouse / Unsplash

During the tour, you can also see the End of the World Lighthouse, which appeared in the movie ‘Happy Together.’ Even next to the lighthouse, it’s filled with cormorants.

03 Long Beach, Playa Larga

Long Beach / Flickr

Next on the Beagle Channel itinerary, I recommend Long Beach, which is located not far from downtown. Designated as a nature reserve, you might encounter seagulls, sea lions, and whales at this beach.

Sunset at Long Beach / Flickr

Even if you don’t encounter any wildlife, it’s okay. The sight of distant mountains and the open sea is enough to bring happiness on its own. Visit at the end of the day and relax while watching the sunset sky, a perfect way to wrap up your schedule.

04 Kuar 1900

Chefs and views of the restaurant / Kuar 1900 Official Website

I introduce Kuar 1900, a restaurant where you can enjoy a nice dinner. With delicious food, you’ll be able to wrap up your busy day peacefully.

Steak and King Crab / Kuar 1900 Official Website

Kuar 1900 is famous for its king crab and risotto, salmon dishes, seafood platters, steaks, and more. You can also enjoy a variety of wines and dessert menus here. In particular, in Ushuaia, you can enjoy good quality king crab at a reasonable price, so I recommend trying it at least once.

Kuar 1900 operates daily from noon to 3:15 p.m., takes a short break, and reopens from 5 p.m. to midnight. It’s often fully booked during the peak season, so it’s best to make a reservation in advance if you want a secure visit.

05 Pub Dublin

Pub Dublin / Pub Dublin Facebook

Ushuaia, located close to Antarctica, experiences the phenomenon of white nights in winter. Therefore, it remains bright even after 9 p.m. in winter. How can we enjoy the long nights of Ushuaia to the fullest? The answer lies in Pub Dublin.

Pub Dublin’s view and food / Pub Dublin Facebook

Pub Dublin, an Irish-style pub, is already a hot spot for tourists visiting Ushuaia. The place fills with various foreign languages as evening approaches, creating a lively travel atmosphere. The popular menu items here include chicken, fries, and pizza. Although the taste is familiar, the flavor of the food enjoyed with beer after a day of travel is bound to be special.

Pub Dublin operates from 5 p.m. to 4 a.m. It’s closed on Sundays, so keep that in mind when planning your visit.

In the movie ‘Happy Together,’ Ahui says that Ushuaia is a place to discard sad memories. Because no one can dig up those memories here, if you have sad memories you want to bury, it might be a good idea to confide in the nature and animals of Ushuaia, located at the end of the world, and then leave.

By. So Ye Park

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