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Here’s Why You’re Still Tired After 5 Cups of Coffee

Why Caffeine Doesn’t Work

Source: Shutterstock

Some people still feel sleepy after drinking five cups of coffee a day.

There are people for whom caffeine has no ‘effect’, and there can be various reasons for this.

Some are genetic, some are learned, and there are various other ways to replenish energy after breakfast or lunch.

Let’s find out why caffeine doesn’t work and how to deal with it.

The first and most obvious reason why caffeine doesn’t affect is due to lack of sleep.

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In fact, according to research, if we sleep only five hours for three consecutive days, caffeine fails to enhance alertness.

The reason is that when we are awake, our bodies produce a chemical called adenosine, which makes us tired and instructs the brain to rest.

Caffeine can temporarily block this message, but we only feel a false sense of alertness. Adenosine continues to accumulate until it eventually overwhelms us.

Another reason why some people don’t feel the effects of caffeine is genetic factors.

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In fact, according to research, changes in adenosine receptors can make them not feel energized by caffeine.

Also, the liver has a specific enzyme that determines how quickly the body breaks down caffeine. If the body metabolizes caffeine particularly quickly, the caffeine may not stay in the body long enough for them to feel its effects.

Another reason why some people don’t feel the effects of caffeine is that they have developed tolerance.

This can happen if they drink a lot of coffee every day.

By. Eun Young Choi

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