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Creepy or Cool? Mystery Room Uncovered: Woman Finds Secret Basement Filled with Childlike Handprints!


After a woman posted a video on TikTok showing a hidden room she found in her house, online viewers urged her to report the discovery to the police immediately. According to the New York Post, the woman shared her discovery on June 24.

In the video, the small room had a door designed to be locked from the inside. Upon opening it, she found tiny handprints, footprints, and children’s drawings on the walls. Coming across a piece of paper in the room with the names Rebecca, Kelly, and Sarah raised suspicions.

The video went viral, recording over 6.8 million views and sparking heated debate in the comment section.


Some commented that the room could be an exciting hideout or the creepiest place in history. Many felt uneasy about it and urged the woman to report it to the police.

The woman later revealed in a follow-up video that she cleaned up everything in the hidden room, sharing, “I painted it to use as a storage room, but it still feels strange. Whenever I go in, I feel like the ceilings are too low.”

“Maybe it was more suitable for children. I wonder if it was a secret base for kids,” she speculated.

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