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Factors that Make Singles Hesitate Getting Married Again: Insights from a Recent Survey

Reasons Behind Singles’ Hesitation to Remarry Revealed
Survey Sample: 516 Singles (258 Men and 258 Women)

We have uncovered why individuals who have re-entered the dating scene hesitate to enter into a remarriage.

On the 11th of this month, the remarriage-specialized matchmaking company Only-U, in collaboration with the marriage information company Bienarae, surveyed the factors that make singles hesitate to remarry. The survey involved 516 singles (258 men and 258 women) nationwide who hope to remarry.

The responses to the questions varied between men and women.

Among the male respondents, 32.2% expressed hesitation due to concerns about their potential partner’s “stubbornness,” while 31.0% of the female respondents cited “fear of being left behind” as their reason for hesitation.

Following this, men expressed concerns about their potential partners “only asserting rights and neglecting responsibilities” (29.5%), “meeting a crook” (18.2%), and “meeting a woman who has been around the block” (13.9%).

Picture to aid in understanding the article / JTBC

Women, on the other hand, expressed concerns about “encountering a dishonest person” (28.3%), “meeting a man with a checkered past” (19.0%), and “dealing with someone who only asserts rights without fulfilling responsibilities” (14.7%).

Priorities in Choosing a Remarriage Partner

When asked what they consider more when choosing a remarriage partner compared to their first marriage, men prioritized “self-management” (28.7%), “sense of economy” (26.0%), and “preparation after retirement” (18.2%). In comparison, women prioritized “preparation after retirement” (34.1%), “generosity” (25.2%), and “self-management” (15.1%).

Both men and women commonly mentioned “respect for the partner.” 19.0% of men and 17.4% of women considered this an essential factor.

Regarding the advantages of a partner that increases their attractiveness during remarriage matchmaking, men ranked “bright personality” (28.7%) first, while women ranked “rich knowledge” (27.5%) first.

Picture to aid in understanding the article / JTBC’s “Sacred Divorce”

The second most common response from men and women was the “habit of complimenting” (men 24.7%, women 25.3%). Following this, men mentioned “humble attitude” (22.1%) and “rich knowledge” (16.7%), while women mentioned “bright personality” (21.3%) and “quick wit” (17.4%).

By. Min Jeong Kim

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