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AI-Generated Fake News Sees an 11-Fold Increase in 7 Months

사진로이터 연합뉴스
Reuters·Yonhap News

This year has seen a surge in websites creating fake news using artificial intelligence. As AI evolves, the spread of fake news utilizing it is also on the rise.

According to a report by NewsGuard, a U.S. fake news tracking site, on the 18th (local time), it was revealed that 614 websites had been found to produce fake news through AI from May to the present. This is an 11-fold increase compared to the 49 fake news sites until April. The monthly increase rate is 143.81%.

NewsGuard expressed severe concern about these figures.

NewsGuard highlighted the connection between AI tools and the surge in individuals spreading misinformation and possessing illegal content. They also noted that many of the suspected AI-generated fake news sites adopt credible, traditional names like “Top News,” “Daily Time Updates,” and “iBusiness Day.”

By. Seong Jin Kwon

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