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Teenagers Convicted for Horrifying Acts of Forcing Prostitution and Sexual Assault

A group of four teenagers who sexually assaulted and prostituted their peers have been sentenced to prison in the first trial.

The Cheonan Branch of Daejeon District Court, Criminal Department 1 (Chief Judge Kyung-ho Jeon) sentenced 19-year-old A who was detained and indicted on charges of violating the law on the protection of children and teenagers, to 8 years in prison.

Two other peers charged with the same offense were each sentenced to 3 years 6 months and 4 years in prison. The juvenile offender B (17) was sentenced to 6 years in a long-term facility and 4 years in a short-term facility.

Cheonan Branch of Daejeon District Court [Photo=Reporter Jong-yoon Jeong]

They were also ordered to complete a sexual violence treatment program, restrict employment in institutions related to children, teenagers, and the disabled, and disclose and notify relevant information.

They were brought to trial on charges of prostituting three teenage girls several times between January and February of last year.

A was also accused of sexually assaulting or beating the victims and threatening them to prevent them from reporting the crime.

The court stated, “The defendants prostituted children and teenagers who still need protection, using them as a means of pursuing economic benefits,” and “The guilt is heavy for forcing prostitution with threats or verbal abuse to the victims who refused, and sexually assaulting some of the victims.”

The court further explained the reason for the sentencing, stating, “The victims and their families are calling for severe punishment as the shock and wounds inflicted on the victims are expected to last a long time. Because the defendants were juveniles at the time of the crime, their values and sexual feelings were immature, and they reached an agreement with some of the victims, the sentence was determined.”

By. Jong Yoon Jung

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