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World’s Richest Man’s Birthday Party After Cheating Scandal

Source: Instagram@jewel

Amazon founder Jeff Bezos threw a lavish birthday party.

On the 12th, a grand party was held in Beverly Hills California, to celebrate the 60th birthday of Amazon founder Jeff Bezos.

Many famous personalities from Hollywood stars to sports legends and business moguls gathered at the party held at the mansion where Jeff Bezos and his fiancée Lauren Sanchez live.

The guest list included Bill Gates, Jay Z, Beyoncé, Ivanka Trump, Russell Wilson, Oprah Winfrey, Gayle King, Kim Kardashian, and Paris Hilton, among others.

They all had a great time during the festivities, and Jeff also embraced everyone and thanked them for coming.

Source: Instagram@laurenwsanchez

Jeff Bezos is the founder and first CEO of Amazon, and is known to possess the most wealth in the world.

He married MacKenzie Scott in 1993 and has three sons and a daughter, but he had an affair with former announcer Lauren Sanchez in 2019.

Eventually, he divorced his wife and handed over 4% of Amazon’s stocks, which is 25% of his fortune, as alimony.

He is now known to be living together and building a home with Lauren Sanchez, whom he met through the affair and got engaged to in 2023.

By. Seung Hee Joo

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