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Korean Prostitution Ring Discovered in the United States

President Joe Biden’s Second Son
“I Don’t Like Asian Women” Disparages Asians
Recently Seen at Korean Prostitution Establishments

Source: New York Post / Daily Mail

A Korean prostitution ring targeting politicians in the U.S. has been exposed.

According to the British Daily Mail, local prosecutors indicted three Koreans last November on charges of running a prostitution ring in the Virginia area of Massachusetts.

The organization has accumulated a massive amount of prostitution brokerage fees by bringing in Asian women, including Koreans, from Massachusetts, Virginia, and California, and encouraging them to engage in prostitution from July 2020 until recently.

They charged $740 for 90 minutes without a condom (approximately 980,000 won) and $840 for 120 minutes (approximately 1.12 million won), amassing wealth.

In particular, the fact that their main clients were American politicians and professionals has been revealed, and the federal authorities are investigating whether they were engaged in spy activities.

Source: New York Post

In the midst of this, there are allegations that Hunter Biden, the second son of President Joe Biden, could be included in the prostitution client list.

The LA Magazine, a local media outlet in California, reported that “one of the clients of the prostitution ring is Hunter Biden, the second son of President Biden.”

Hunter Biden, the second son of President Joe Biden, is a figure who has previously made derogatory remarks about Asians.

Hunter Biden was criticized for sending a text message to his cousin Caroline Biden on January 26, 2019, referring to Asian women as Yellow.

According to the released message, when Caroline Biden asked Hunter Biden whether he preferred an American or a foreigner as she was introducing him to her friend, Hunter Biden made a derogatory comment about Asians, saying, “No, Yellow.”

Meanwhile, Hunter Biden is also known as Biden’s wayward son due to problems such as the leak of a video showing him having sex with a Russian prostitute and taking drugs at a hotel in Las Vegas.

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