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Wedding Makeup Ruined by Flour Terror, Perpetrators Shockingly Revealed

Flour terror at the wedding
Ruins the bride’s makeup and leaves her in tears
Turns out, the perpetrator is a friend


The story of a bride who was reduced to tears after being subjected to a “flour terror” at her wedding has become a hot topic.

A “flour terror” incident recently occurred to a bride and groom at a wedding in Guangdong Province, China.

As the bride and groom entered the hotel for their wedding, a massive amount of flour was suddenly dumped over their heads.

The bride’s carefully applied makeup and expensive wedding dress were utterly ruined. Before the bride and groom could even comprehend what was happening, two more buckets of flour were dumped on them.

Moreover, the flour bucket fell and hit the bride quite hard.

The bride, who had put much effort and anticipation into her once-in-a-lifetime wedding, ended up in tears.

Due to the terror, the bride and groom could not take commemorative photos or greet their guests. Additionally, the bride sustained several bruises from being hit by the bucket.

Eventually, the groom’s and bride’s families reported the incident to the police. However, it turned out that the terrible prank was the work of three close friends of the bride and groom.

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