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Influencer Warns Against Plastic Surgery After Spending $200K Leads to Crooked Smile, Uneven Eyes

South China Morning Post

Spending nearly $200,000 on plastic surgery, a famous Chinese personality opened up about the side effects she experienced.

South China Morning Post reported a story about Wang Yafei, 22, from Liaoning province in northeastern China, who uses the name Meina online, has 2.2 million followers on Douyin.

Previously teased for her masculine appearance, Meina confessed she eventually chose to undergo plastic surgery, even becoming dependent on it.

In January, Meina had a jaw reduction surgery and revealed that she spent a total of 1.3 million yuan (US$183,000) on plastic surgery in May.

South China Morning Post

She shocked everyone by revealing she suffered from numerous complications due to the procedures.

“Now my mouth is crooked when I smile, and my eyes are uneven,” Meina disclosed the risks of plastic surgery.

The media also introduced Taohua Baobao, a friend of Meina’s who spent approximately 2.4 million yuan (US$330,000) on plastic surgery, reporting that she is experiencing similar pain.

Tao Hua Baobao said, “Excessive hyaluronic acid injections have caused persistent spasms in my left eye nerve.”

Concerning this, Meina warned, “Plastic surgery comes with risks. If it’s not necessary, don’t do it.”

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