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Google’s Gemini AI Model Produces Racist Results, Image Feature Suspended

Alphabet’s Google has acknowledged the error in its AI model, Gemini, and is temporarily halting the ability of its Gemini function.

On the 22nd (local time), Google announced that it is temporarily pausing image generation soon as critics started to raise questions about a powerful generative AI Gemini’s incorrect historical depictions.

This measure was taken after Gemini discovered errors due to inaccurate image creation related to the race of historical figures in numerous social media.

According to Google’s social media post, the company is working to complement these defects with Gemini’s image generation tool, has intermitted image creation, and plans to release an improved version soon.

Recently, Google has been focusing more on AI following advancements by competitors such as Microsoft and Open AI, feeling threatened in its core internet search business.

There are also concerns that the advancement of AI could lead to deepfakes, misinformation, and bias.

In response, Google unveiled its latest AI model, Gemini 1.5 Pro, to cloud customers and developers last week, allowing them to test new functions and create new commercial applications.

Moreover, Google and its competitors have invested billions of dollars to enhance their generative AI capabilities. They are working hard to attract corporate customers to prove their investments are paying off.

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