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Massive 38-Ton Gold Mine Discovered in Inner Mongolia

A massive gold mine, estimated to contain 38 tons of gold, has been discovered in Inner Mongolia, China. The potential value of the mine is estimated to be a staggering 17 billion yuan (approximately $2.6 billion).

The area in Bayannaoer City, Inner Mongolia where the new gold mine was discovered. It is reported that 38 tons of gold are buried here./Guangming Daily.

According to reports from media outlets, including the Guangming Daily, on the 14th, the gold mine was discovered in the Ganqimaodu area of Urad Middle Banner, Bayannaoer City, Inner Mongolia. It is reported that the local mining company, Tugurige, recently struck gold. The deposit is estimated to contain 38 tons of gold.

A representative from Tugurige, who discovered the gold mine, said, “We have been conducting deep exploration in the Bayannaoer area for several years. This year, we drilled over 88,583 feet at 57 sites and explored an area of 2.52 square kilometers, which led to this valuable result.”

Urad Middle Banner, with a population of just 140,000, is considered a major underground resource repository in China. Not only does it have precious metals like gold and silver, but it also has coal, oil, iron, lead, zinc, graphite, and 68 other types of underground resources. The potential economic value is estimated to be 400 billion yuan (approximately $62 billion). In particular, the gold deposit is estimated to be a total of 300 tons, with 143 tons already confirmed. The annual production volume also reaches 4.8 tons, and it has recently been known to have entered the top 10 gold-producing cities in China.

By. Soon Do Hong

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