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Britney Spears Releases Nude Swimming Picture at Resort

American pop star Britney Spears shared vacation photos
from her bikini to nude swimming at the resort

Britney Spears has released photos of herself playing in the water while naked during a trip to a resort.

On the 28th, Britney Spears uploaded videos and photos taken during her vacation, along with a lengthy post on social media.

The popstar, wearing a yellow swimsuit, happily splashed in the water.

Among these, she shared photos of herself naked in the water, with only emojis covering the crucial parts, photos of herself in a dress, videos at the gym, and videos of her spraying hairspray.

Source: Britney Spears Instagram

Along with these, she revealed that her favorite part of this trip was being naked in the water.

In her post, she added, “There are a lot of other things that happened on this trip that I’m not sharing as well” and “I portray that everything is completely perfect, but trust me, I’ve been through it as well. I would share those struggles, but they are too offensive.”

Source: Britney Spears Instagram

Moreover, she advised, “So just know my life is not as perfect as it seems … and remember, my beautiful friends, you’re not alone.”

After being freed from 13 years of legal conservatorship by her father, which suppressed her privacy, Britney Spears has expressed anger about abuse and trauma through her memoir.

She has also caused controversy by mentioning an abortion incident with her former boyfriend, Justin Timberlake.

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