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Japanese Model Sparks Debate For Asking Her Son to Buy Sanitary Pads

Japanese model Tsubasa Masuwaka confessed that she faced harsh criticism after revealing on a TV show that she had asked her son to buy her sanitary pads.

On April 2, Masuwaka appeared on the Nippon TV show The Night When Ueda and the Women Bark and recalled a past incident where she had asked her son to run an errand to buy sanitary pads. She confessed that she had faced a lot of criticism for this.

The theme of the show was “sex education” and “menstruation.” Masuwaka shared, “When I was out with my son and his friend, my period suddenly started.” She continued, “I was wearing white clothes, so I asked my son to buy sanitary pads at the convenience store. My son said ‘okay’ and bought them for me.” She revealed, “I talked about this incident on a past broadcast and received a lot of backlash.”

When fellow guest star Shelly questioned her, Masuwaka explained, “The viewers said it was abusive to ask my son to buy sanitary pads. I never thought menstruation was something to be ashamed of, but it made me wonder if I was wrong.”

On the show, Masuwaka admitted that she had not given her son any formal education about menstruation, but fortunately, he understood what it was. She said, “I didn’t teach him directly. But we naturally talked about menstrual cramps and menstruation at home, so my son understands.”

Tsubasa Masuwaka received attention for her youthful beauty, which is hard to believe for someone nearing her 40s. Her son recently graduated from middle school and entered high school.

Photo= Masuwaka Tsubasa’s Social Media

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