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Ageless Wonder or Aged Out? Fan Bingbing Faces Harsh Critics

Unedited photos of the famously beautiful Chinese actress Fan Bingbing were leaked.

Following a tax evasion scandal, Fan Bing Bing was barred from working in China despite having paid a fine of 885 million yuan (approximately $122 million). Though her ban hasn’t been lifted, she’s back to her previous activities overseas. She recently made headlines with her bold styling during Paris Fashion Week.

Fan Bingbing recently shared pictures of her Paris Fashion Week outfit on a Chinese social media network. She is seen wearing a traditional Chinese garment with a pattern of peacocks and butterflies flowing among clouds. She styled her hair retroactively and flaunted her classic beauty by adding traditional jewelry.

Fans enthusiastically reacted to her photos, commenting on how breathtakingly beautiful she was, adding, “She’s the most beautiful woman in the world.”

Fan Bingbing caught the attention of her fans by showing off another fashion look that day. Unlike her more traditional attire, she posed in a long, golden, contemporary dress in front of a Parisian building.

However, unaltered Fan Bingbing images surfaced on social media. The wrinkles around her eyes and skin were visible, and some people took issue with how old she looked. Allegations arose that the images were purposefully left unedited with ill intent. Despite the controversial unedited images, Fan Bingbing received positive responses for her traditional styling promoting Chinese culture at Paris Fashion Week.

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