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Fans Want Taiwanese Actor Kai Ko to Choke Hug Them – Here’s Why

Taiwanese actor Kai Ko is winning fans with his unique approach to fan service. Known for prioritizing his fans’ comfort, he politely inquires if a female fan has a boyfriend before taking a friendly photo together.

On April 4, China Daily released photos of Ko’s pose, reporting that his friendly pose has caused a stir.

Ko’s signature pose involves playfully putting his arm around the fan’s neck from behind during the photo. This unique approach has garnered significant attention and spread widely across online platforms.

A photo of a female fan with Ko surfaced on an online community, sparking debate with the title: “Can your significant other handle a photo with Kai Ko?” Comments flooded the post, with opinions divided. Some netizens were unfazed, replying with “It’s no big deal” or “Don’t be jealous of a celebrity,” while others expressed disapproval, stating “I can’t understand” or “I’d break up [with them].”

As the debate raged online, a Kai Ko fan came forward to clarify his unique fan service. The fan explained, “Before taking a photo, Kai Ko politely asks, ‘Do you have a boyfriend?’ If she does, he avoids physical contact altogether.” They added, “He prioritizes the comfort of his fans and only takes photos if everyone feels okay with it.”

It seemed that Ko was aware of the controversy. He posted a photo of himself in the controversial pose on social media, along with the message, “I wish it would end. This should be my last post.” The photo, featuring fellow actors Tuo Zong Kang and Daniel Hong looking bewildered while being held by Ko, drew laughter.

Kai Ko gained fame through the movie You Are the Apple of My Eye and was recently embroiled in a dating rumor with influencer Cheng Yingjie.

Photo= Kai Ko Thread·Social Media, Online Community

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