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Japanese Star Tells All About Her Scandalous Habit in Elevator

Photo= Haruna Kawaguchi social media

Japanese actress Haruna Kawaguchi caused quite a stir concerning the recent revelation of her unusual habit in elevators.

On April 20, Kawaguchi, appearing on the TBS variety show Best Restaurant of My Life, confessed to a rather peculiar behavior that’s hard to believe.

During the broadcast, Kawaguchi admitted to performing certain behaviors while in the elevator before arriving home after her schedule. Responding to a question about Kawaguchi’s unexpected side, her manager testified, “Kawaguchi is always hasty. She often takes off her shoes and clothes inside the elevator before arriving home,” leaving everyone at the scene stunned.

Kawaguchi then calmly asked the MC and other participants, “Don’t you all do the same?” causing laughter. MC Koji Kato, taken aback by her cheeky demeanor, responded, “People usually don’t do that,” and asked, “So, is your home right off the elevator?”

To this, Kawaguchi firmly replied, “No.” She added, “Sometimes, when I encounter people, I do this,” and demonstrated covering her body with her hands when she runs into apartment residents on the same floor, riling up the other guests on the show. The participants in the studio showed reactions like, “Wow, that’s risky.”

After calming his surprise, MC Kato asked Kawaguchi, “Are you aware that you’re hasty?”. Kawaguchi confessed to her hasty nature: “I tend to press buttons repeatedly, and when I spot a sensor, I reach out to trigger a quick response.”

Actress Wakako Shimazaki, hearing Kawaguchi’s “hasty anecdote,” seemed surprised, saying, “I thought you’d be more relaxed since you grew up on an island.” Kawaguchi also agreed, “Yes, I’m incredibly hasty,” acknowledging her behavior and inciting laughter.

Haruna Kawaguchi was born on Fukue Island in the Goto Archipelago of Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan, and is known to have moved to Tokyo after graduating from middle school to pursue her career in the entertainment industry. Recently, she has been showcasing her acting skills in the leading role of Nana Oba in the TBS drama 9 Border, which premiered on April 19.

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