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Escalating War Risk: Iranian Supreme Leader “Islam, Don’t Sell Oil, Food to Israel”

이란 최고지도자 '이슬람, 이스라엘에 석유·식량 팔지마'
Reuters/Yonhap News

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran’s Supreme Leader, has urged Islamic nations to impose oil and food embargoes on Israel, according to a report by Reuters citing Iranian state media on the 1st (local time).

According to the report, Khamenei, in a speech to students in Tehran, stated, “The bombing of the Gaza Strip must be stopped immediately,” and “The routes for exporting oil and food to the Zionist (Jewish nationalist) regime must be cut off.”

Khamenei also took a hard stance against the United States, which supports Israel, alleging that it is involved in Israel’s “recent crimes against Palestine.” He stated, “The Islamic world should not forget that those opposing the oppressed Palestinian state in the face of the serious issue in the Gaza Strip are the United States, France, and the United Kingdom,” and chanted “Death to Israel,” “Death to America.” He also criticized, “One of the shameless actions of the West is to condemn the Palestinian fighters as terrorists.”

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  • Hilarious...Like Israel needs anything from "Islam".

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