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Kim Jong-un Strengthens Navy to Prepare for War

Instructed “the planned shipbuilding project to be pushed forward and executed unconditionally within the 5-year plan period”

북한 남포조선소를 현지지도하고 있는 김정은 총비서(사진=조선신보)
Kim Jong Un, General Secretary of the Workers’ Party of Korea, is on-site instructing the Nampo Shipyard in North Korea (Photo = Choson Sinbo)

Kim Jong Un, General Secretary of the Workers’ Party of Korea, on-site instructed the planned shipbuilding project at the Nampo Shipyard on the 1st to be executed unconditionally within the 5-year plan period.

The Rodong Sinmun reported on the 2nd, “General Secretary Kim Jong Un specifically grasped the overall situation and technical equipment level of the shipyard while looking around various production processes and shipbuilding sites.”

General Secretary Kim emphasized, “In order to implement the party’s military industry policy and shipbuilding industry policy, the noble history and tradition that has been strengthened as a leading shipbuilding base must be inherited without change.”

He also stated, “The Nampo Shipyard is playing a major role in the development of the country’s shipbuilding industry and the strengthening of naval power, and presented a policy of struggle to open a new era of shipbuilding in front of the shipyard.”

Secretary Kim stated, “Strengthening naval power is the most important issue in firmly defending the country’s maritime sovereignty and urging preparation for war,” and “This shipyard should be a model and play a leading role.”

He also “received a detailed report on the construction status of various warships announced by the 8th Party Congress and the preparation status of new massive plan projects, and instructed the planned shipbuilding project to be executed unconditionally within the 5 year plan period,” the newspaper added.

In addition, he “took important measures while presenting directions to further strengthen the material and technical foundation of the shipyard to meet the significant demand for pushing for the development of the shipbuilding industry.”

General Secretary Kim repeatedly emphasized, “Members of the party and working class in the shipyard, who have a brilliant struggle tradition of faithfully accepting the party’s defense and economic policies, must thoroughly implement the party’s plan to open a new golden age of self-reliant naval power enhancement at the forefront.”

On that day, General Secretary Kim’s on-site instruction was accompanied by the party central committee executives Jo Yong Won, Ri Il Hwan, Jo Chun Ryong, Park Jong Chon, Jon Hyon Chol, O Su Yong, Kim Jong Sik, and Kim Myong Sik, commander of the Navy.

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