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Why Drinking Before Bed Can Kill You, According to Experts


According to China’s leading media outlet Sohu, a story was published about a resident of Shandong, China, named Li, who suddenly died in the middle of the night last May.

Li reportedly had a late night at work and drank her favorite beverage before bed.

She lost consciousness after experiencing chest pain, and the following day, her husband found her collapsed next to a bottle of alcohol on the kitchen floor.

The hospital revealed that Li had died of a heart attack. With 30 years of medical experience and also in charge of Li’s case, Dr. Zhang warned, “Everyone, especially middle-aged people, should not drink sugary beverages or alcohol before going to bed, no matter how thirsty they are.”

“Such drinks can cause severe fluctuations in blood sugar levels when your body should be resting. This can lead to high blood pressure and an increased risk of heart attack,” he added.


Dr. Zhang pointed out that despite common beliefs that beverages have little effect on health, this misconception frequently leads to the reckless nighttime consumption of alcohol and other drinks. He revealed that this behavior had caused numerous hospitalizations due to heart problems, often after patients had consumed beer or wine in the evening.

He emphasized the importance of avoiding these beverages before sleep and recommended regular health check-ups, particularly cardiovascular screenings, to detect potential health issues early. Also, he highlighted that individuals who regularly consume alcohol at night face a significantly increased risk of developing coronary heart disease.

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  • Dr Robert C

    Erectile dysfunction may be a harbinger of coronary artery disease with its possible adverse cardiac effects.

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