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Deceptive Practices in Popular Jeju Restaurants

Numerous restaurants in Jeju have been caught deceiving consumers by selling white pork as black pork.

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Autonomous police cracking down on violations of origin labeling and food labeling advertising. Photo provided by Jeju Autonomous Police

According to Yonhap News Agency, the Jeju Island Autonomous Police Corps said on Sunday that it arrested eight companies in a special crackdown on violations of country of origin labeling ahead of the Lunar New Year holidays.

The violations include five cases of origin labeling violations (mixed sales 1, false labeling 2, non-labeling 1, method violation 1), and four violations of the Food Labeling and Advertising Act (falsely labeling the country of origin).

A wholesaler was caught trying to distribute 50 boxes of 22-pound red tangerines, labeled as being from Seogwipo City, which was actually a mix of red tangerines harvested in Seogwipo City and Jeju City.

In addition, general restaurants B and C near tourist spots in Seogwipo City falsely labeled the origin of their food as using domestic chili powder, when in fact they were using Chinese chili powder. At the time of the crackdown, it was confirmed that these two restaurants were storing 26.5 pounds and 21.2 pounds of Chinese chili powder, respectively.

Four businesses in Jeju City, known as pork restaurants through Social Networking Services(SNS), were found to have been selling Jeju white pork, which is difficult to distinguish by sight, as Jeju black pork, as indicated on their menus.

Sang Hyun Park, the Chief of Investigations for the Autonomous Police Force, said, “We will actively respond to violations so that consumers can purchase food with peace of mind in the future.”

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